2016年5月16日 星期一


夫君問我 “以色列行走礦野時從那Rock所喝的水, 是他們帶著那Rock走還是他們停下來時 ,那 Rock 就在那? “

 從未思考過這問題, 也沒想過以色列在沙漠中所喝的水除了摩西杖擊那Rock外,是從何而來.

Napa valley14

 答案在:   哥林多前书 10: 2-3  (英文版比較容易明白)

New King James Version
 all ate the same spiritual food,  and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
 New Living Translation
In the cloud and in the sea, all of them were baptized as followers of Moses.  All of them ate the same spiritual food, and all of them drank the same spiritual water. For they drank from the spiritual rock that traveled with them, and that rock was Christ.

那Rock就是基督, 是聖潔的 ,不可觸摸的,以色列人不可能扛著走 . 摩西因杖擊三次都進不了迦南美地.  所以當以色列人隨著雲柱行走 ,歇下時Rock 就在那.  所以聖經說 : Spiritual Rock that followed them ( Spiritual Rock that traveled with them)



